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Friday, 03 February 2006


Millie - I'm so glad to hear that you and the mister are starting to feel better, and am thrilled to hear that you're making your plans to go back to CT!

Thinking of you!

And I am an ass for emailing you twice and not even -thinking- to go read your blog first... actually, no, I did think about that a few times, but I have just been a little overwhelmed myself lately.

But I completely understand why you might not have wanted to 'chat'...

I am so sorry that it didn't work this time. Emphasis on the words 'this time.' I'm glad to read you are feeling at least a little bit better. I really feel for you and your husband. I know that funny feeling of 'it's just him and me and the animals'... and that doesn't seem like quite the right equation. That's how it is for me, anyways...

I wish you the best of luck next time. Don't give up and be strong.

- Rachel


Love does conquer all.

Glad your team won!

You go girl! Keep the fighting spirit. Fuck infertility, we wont let it win.

As for the basketball stuff, here in SA we play a game called netball. And it is played by girls.

A girls game.

And the next time you put that tiara on and will be eating my brownies will be in celebration.

Much Love to you my friend.

glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.

nothin like a 'heels win to make you feel better. i'll finally get that feeling when pitchers and catchers report to camp in 13 days. . .

still sending lots of hugs.

I'm glad to hear things are slowly improving.

SO glad to hear about a good day and an encouraging decision. You go.

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