Now, I know that many of you will not have any empathy for me at all but it's really cold here. Cold for Northern California, I mean. Hell, I can even see my breath outside! It's been raining non-stop for about 30 hours. It's cold, wet and very dreary. My youngest dog is afraid of the thunder and lighting we had earlier today (Can you tell we don't get thunderstorms much? She's three years old and this is one of her first thunder experiences).
I'm all snuggled up on my favorite chair with a comfy sweater, warm blanket and big mug of tea. I'm listening to holiday music. I hesitate to even call it Christmas music because what I like is very secular. David Cassidy is currently crooning to me (along with the other Partridges) and I'm mixing it up with Johnny Cash, Dianna Krall, Harry Connick Jr and one of my favorite home-town bands, the Squirrel Nut Zippers.
Got lots on my mind so hope you can bear with me through a veritable potpourri of topics today.
Drug update
Yep, I finally got my package. Hooray! Pills and needles for all for Christmas. I think I'll be taking that lupron hammer shot today (it's looking promising at least). The next fun thing about international meds is that all the instructions are in Spanish. Which I don't speak. I think I can figure it out. Let's see. Glass amp of powder. Glass vial of sterile water. Several needles. It's all coming back to me. I just need to verify it's an im shot--and frankly with the copious quantities of lupron I'm injecting, it's gotta be, right? Any of you hammer-heads, feel free to chime in with advise.
Side effects update
How can I have side effects if I haven't even taken any meds? Well, I've got a really painful headache and am thinking that's only going to get worse.
Kitchen update
We might have a functional kitchen before we leave. I might even post some pics. With just a bit of luck from the Kitchen God's Wife we'll have granite in next week, which means sinks and a dishwasher. I think the recently installed cook-top and ovens might even get power. Woo hoo! Yes, millie there most definitely is a Santa Claus.
Boss lady update
I know I wrote before about how my boss had gotten pregnant on her first ivf. I don't know if I ever updated. She lost that pregnancy at 6 weeks. She recently got pregnant on her second ivf. She lost that pregnancy yesterday at about the same point. So today I'm thinking of her and hope she's taking good care of herself. Anytime of the year is a crappy one for a loss, but just before the holidays and when your job is ending to boot is extra sucky. Hoping for a better 2006 for her as well.
Welcome Little Ones update, babies two through five
I know I wrote about our first resolve baby. I might have written about the second but I don't think so. The second is now a bouncing six month old girl. So happy, smart and pretty! I see her most of all. The boy/girl twins that came a little early are now three months old. We don't see their folks much because, well, they've got twins. The fifth baby was born a week ago. She was a little early but is doing well and has a shock of dark hair. We got to meet her yesterday when we stopped by with the gift we thought we had some time left to deliver.
So if you're counting then, yep, that's babies actually born to all the other couples in our support group. And not even a double line for us. So I guess I really do deserve the title of Last Infertile Standing. I know some of you might squabble over that but for today the tiara is mine and I'll take out anyone who challenges me. Bring. It. On.
Happy Update and Hold Good Thoughts for Bonnie
Now many of you know and love Bonnie. I sure do. I 'met' Bonnie (and Liana) over in Wedding Land and she's just fab. I've tried to talk her into starting a blog but she's not there yet. She wrongly thinks she has nothing to say. She loves reading blogs though and is always supportive and kind and comments in many of ours. I have no idea how she finds the time.
Since she doesn't have a blog of her own, I thought she deserved a special shout-out. Today is her transfer day!! Go Team Bonnie! Her cycle is smack-dab in the middle of Liana's and mine and I think Liana's good luck will most definitely rub off onto Bonnie. So, Bonnie dear, we're thinking of you and hoping your blasts settle down in for a long winter's nap. Take good care of yourself. Eat lots of pineapple. We're all rooting for you.
Millie......I hesitate to say this because every protocol can be different, but I have NEVER given Lupron was with the smaller "insulin syringe".....
My last two IVF's were chock full of lupron (4+ weeks/ 2 X day) - never, ever, ever IM - ever. PLEASE CHECK.
IM hurts like a bitch. IM = Pain In The Ass.
Good luck with everything and best wishes to your friend!
Posted by: Julianna | Sunday, 18 December 2005 at 15:27
You've got to post pictures of the kitchen. I need some thrills in my life.
Good luck Bonnie. We're all pulling for you.
Posted by: chris | Sunday, 18 December 2005 at 16:55
Glad to hear you got the package, always nice to have something to stick yourself with over Xmas!
Ooooh, kitchen pics??? How exciting.
Good luck to Bonnie.
May 2006 be a fantastic one for you and your Bosslady
Posted by: Ann (AusMarchBride) | Sunday, 18 December 2005 at 19:29
I'm so sorry about your boss. How awful. I hope she has a better 06 as well.
And yes, it's cold as hell here. Gah. What's worse is little dog, she won't go outside in the rain. We actually bought her shoes today. Tell me when I go over the obsessed dog line.
Posted by: statia | Sunday, 18 December 2005 at 20:14
David Cassidy? Ah, man! Wish I could be there with you. :-)
Good luck to Bonnie! And tell her to start that blog. There is always room for one more. :-)
Posted by: wessel | Monday, 19 December 2005 at 00:43
Thank you everyone. Your good wishes mean a lot to me. Melissa, I am truly embarressed! I think my face just turned five shades of red.
Posted by: Bonnie | Monday, 19 December 2005 at 02:42
Cold and Harry Connick Jr. was also had at my place this weekend.
Glad to see that you have your package - but sorry that it's not more clear what to do with it. Hope you get all the answers you're looking for.
Posted by: April | Monday, 19 December 2005 at 08:09
Okay, cold in NoCal. Umm... you were right about the lack of empathy, at least from this New Englander. But I'm all for you on "The Last Infertile Standing," which sounds like an excellent reality/game show, if you ask me. Shall we pitch it to ABC?
p.s. I like Williams-Sonoma's outrageously expensive hot chocolate (not cocoa, CHOCOLATE!) to ease the rainy chills...
Posted by: JennaM | Monday, 19 December 2005 at 10:17
Yep, no sympathy from me in the land where it is never daylight!!!
I second and third the request for kitchen pics.
Good luck with the shot, wherever it goes. This is it now!!! Keep us posted about Bonnie. Good news is always welcome.
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Monday, 19 December 2005 at 13:30
How big is a "really big Lupron shot" ? We just did injection training today... so that kind of info feels incredibly important right now. What I have to do for Lupron seems easy compared to your protocol - how big is "THE HAMMER" (spoken in a thundering bass tone)?
We start injections next Tuesday. I'll be thinking of you as I follow in your footsteps. It was so great to meet you last week... thanks for all the encouragement. So glad to hear your meds came through.
Posted by: tracey | Monday, 19 December 2005 at 20:05
You forgot to mention you're eating cookies ;) if there are any left.
I'm sorry about the boss lady, may 2006 be a better year.
Good thoughts for Bonnie.
And love, that tiara is mine.
Posted by: Emily | Monday, 19 December 2005 at 21:28
Millie, I responded in my comment section, but I probably should have responded over here. I'm 99.9% sure that ALL Depot Lupron shots (different than 14 day Lupron SQ shots) ARE IM shots. But you probably already found that out. GL! And I would love to see some kitchen pics, too!
Posted by: Lynnette | Tuesday, 20 December 2005 at 09:03
Please post pics of the kitchen! I need inspiration. Good luck with the lupron shot.
Posted by: mm | Tuesday, 20 December 2005 at 11:51
Hope you figured out those shots. And best of luck to Bonnie.
PS Have you cooked anything from the Alice Medrich book yet? I made two different kinds of cookies from there this weekend and they were superb.
Posted by: thalia | Tuesday, 20 December 2005 at 12:30