I got a bit of a surprise the other day and it wasn't such a good one. Yup, CD 1. It wasn't supposed to happen for a few days. Usually this wouldn't be such a big deal but I wasn't prepared (and I'm not talking prepared in the 'femine products' sense).
According to the protocol from my hopefully soon-to-be-favorite-ever RE, CD 1 was supposed to be around December 10. Now, I'm guessing that he pulled this date out of his ass but I don't really know. I'm supposed to take a whopper of a lupron shot (aka depot lupron aka lucrin in South Africa aka "Lupron Hammer" which I'm guessing is it's mob nickname) on CD 1.
Problem 1 is the lupron is supposed to suppress you for a fairly long while but it's only a maximum of 6 weeks.
Problem 2 is that our tentative transfer is possibly right at the edge of that six week window.
Problem 3 (and this one is a doozy) is that I haven't actually gotten around to getting the drugs I need before I leave for South Africa.
So, back to Thursday night when I started panicking. I decided to stay up to call the clinic to figure out what the hell I should do. They're 10 hours ahead of me so it was a bit of a stretch for my tired self.
It turns out the donor coordinator comes in a bit later than the other folks. So, I waited even longer. Then she was in a procedure and I was asked to call back in another hour or two. Which would have been 3 in the morning. Not happening because that would have been 3-4 am. Nope.
So I sent her an email and she responded before I got up.
I can take the pill for a couple of weeks then the Hammer. Luckily I've got some leftover from that bad May cycle. I got a pack of pills for free back then and only took a couple. I also need to order my other meds asap.
So, I guess you could say the game's afoot.
Wow! I know the being taken by surprise thing must have been stressful but you are actually starting.
I'm so excited for you that this cycle is on its way...
Posted by: Anna H. | Saturday, 03 December 2005 at 20:44
Wow! The plan is in motion! Must be very exciting-scary-hopeful-wonderful!
Best of luck to ya!
Posted by: Kate | Saturday, 03 December 2005 at 22:13
I'm glad you are finally on your way and she had a solution for you.
Too bad you don't live closer. I have left over lupron from my mock cycle I could have given you.
Posted by: Bonnie | Sunday, 04 December 2005 at 02:07
How exciting! The adventure begins. I am hoping so hard for you!
Posted by: susie | Sunday, 04 December 2005 at 03:26
I'm so glad that the unexpected CD1 didn't mess things up too badly and wish you the best of luck!
Posted by: Suz | Sunday, 04 December 2005 at 04:58
It's always something, isn't it? I'm glad the early arrival of CD1 didn't throw your schedule off too much. How exciting that you are starting soon!
Posted by: Karen | Sunday, 04 December 2005 at 05:31
Wow! There's never a shortage of logistical stress, is there? Hopefully everything else will go smoothly.
Posted by: fisher queen | Sunday, 04 December 2005 at 06:10
So exciting that things are finally underway- despite the rocky start (it's always something, isn't it?). The next few weeks will fly by and soon you'll be regaling us with your tales from cape town.
Posted by: nina | Sunday, 04 December 2005 at 09:20
I'm glad you had a back up system in place, I'm sure you'll get in synch, it's an amazing thing you're doing, we'll be with you all of the way.
Posted by: Avonlea f/k/a InSpring | Sunday, 04 December 2005 at 11:19
This is all a logistical challenge I can barely imagine, I'm glad this particular hurdle is over.
Posted by: Donna | Sunday, 04 December 2005 at 12:27
Houston, we have a go!!! Sorry about the stress involved. Why does nothing ever go to plan??? Hopefully everything else will.
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Sunday, 04 December 2005 at 12:59
So scary how everything is inter-connected. I'm hoping for you so much.
Take care.
Posted by: chris | Sunday, 04 December 2005 at 16:56
Millie you do believe in cutting it fine, don't you! So glad there's a good alternative. Amazing to think that this cycle is defintely kicked off!
Posted by: thalia | Monday, 05 December 2005 at 01:28
i'm so excited for you...but damn CD1. why does one's period always show at the most incorrect times.
Posted by: elana | Monday, 05 December 2005 at 12:08
Ah, glad to hear issue's resolved! And talking head quoted up ahead too - love it. Hopefully all goes smoothly from here forward...
Posted by: T | Monday, 05 December 2005 at 13:57
Crossing fingers and toes as you start your cycle.
Posted by: Emily | Monday, 05 December 2005 at 22:23