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Friday, 21 October 2005


Ohh, the second book link didn't show up. I'm an addict too, so I simply must live through you. Lately, I've bought everything by Ina Garten and Paula Deen. Can you tell I watch too much food network. I swear, there isn't a bad recipe in the Ina Garten book (except the ones made with lamb--no thanks).

Can't wait until the kitchen is finished.

Oh, got your email as well. You know we're on for lunch, etc. Oh, and for a quick trip to Southern Season perhaps? And to answer a question you wrote a while back on my blog, it WAS the toy store you worked at. I can't believe it. I hope you get to buy some toys for your little one there soon.

Talk to you soon.

Thank you thank you for your comment the other day!! Congrats on the development re: your donor. It is so nice to hear about one of my fellow bloggers making progress. Oh and Rachel Ray is the devil.

Don't know who rachel ray is but I am also addicted to cookbooks. My husband has banned me from any more but there are so many good ones out there, and I actually do use them...

Lovely to hear your excitement about Rent. I also really enjoyed the OBC but will have to wait until the film makes it over here (if it ever does)

I don't know if it is out there yet but Nigel Slater's new diary/cookbook is to die for. Mmmm.

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