We interrupt this regularly scheduled cyncia, bitter infertile blog to bring you a bit of sillyness.
Here's what I got recently to help me survive my kitchen remodel. I promised myself I wouldn't buy any tools or kitchen ware until the kitchen was done (and except for a gorgeous blue and green cake plate that I got on an incredible sale and with an employee discount I've held to that).
I decided I needed a few things to help me survive construction. Since I don't really have a kitchen I'm finding it difficult to cook with my current set-up. I've got a toaster oven, microwave, grill and crock pot. decided some new cook books were in order. Now I have a huge cookbook collection and am trying to cut down. I just can't. If you know me at all you know I'm always looking for an excuse for more cookbooks.
My amazon order just arrived recently. So first I got this book. It was just published this month! Too perfect, don't cha think?
And I got this one too for good measure.So far I've got to say they actually look pretty good. At least they're better than anything by Rachel Ray (who totally bugs me).
And the best thing of all that I got was these songs.
I'm so freaking excited about RENT. There's only about 46,300 minutes until it opens. If you're a Rent-head you know that time is always counted in minutes.
I listened to CD1 yesterday and it totally rocks. I'm a huge fan of the OBC (original broadway cast) and so thrilled that they got back most of them. I'll admit I was a little worried about Rosario Dawson but that
girl can SING. Oh yeah. She's going to make a different sort of Mimi but I think much more believable as a crack whore, if you kwim. A little tougher and more street wise but still vulnerable.
And the cd even has Maureen's peformance piece. Too funny!
The Rent Blog has some awesome new video clips. I tried to do a link but can't seem to get that to work today. They're featuring each character with a montage to one of their songs. There's one with Jesse Martin singing Sante Fe and another one with Idina Menzel and Take Me. I think this movie is seriously gonna rock.
The mister was so sweet. He told me he was too tired the other night to talk much so I had 5 minutes and I should use them well. I did. But first thing the next morning I was trying to tell him all about the video montages. It wouldn't have been nearly as fun to just show him. He was barely awake (and I'm not a morning person by any stretch) but we had the day off from construction workers so I was all chatty.
So in his half awake state he tolerated thiso " And in Santa Fe they're sining on the subway and Jesse/Collins is so good and there's this great look from Roger and Mark is filming it and then you can tell they GO to Santa Fe and Roger sees Mimi everywhere and Angel is dancing around it it's SO COOL and there's the funeral and that's so sad but it's gonna be SO GOOD" and "well in Take Me you see the TANGO and they're tangoing and Mauren and Joanna are all dressed up and there's a little kiss at some point between Mark and Maureen and IT"S GOING TO BE SO GOOD."
All of this was spoken way too fast for normal human ears but he still listened. And he thought it was cute that his wife who normally can barely moan at that time of the morning was so excited, even without coffee.
Ok. Now if November 23rd will just hurry up and get here. And thank goodness we don't leave for the inlaws until the 24th. I wonder how many times I can see the movie before turkey day?
Can you tell I'm still giddy? Singing show tunes loudly and horribly off key but totally giddy.
Ohh, the second book link didn't show up. I'm an addict too, so I simply must live through you. Lately, I've bought everything by Ina Garten and Paula Deen. Can you tell I watch too much food network. I swear, there isn't a bad recipe in the Ina Garten book (except the ones made with lamb--no thanks).
Can't wait until the kitchen is finished.
Oh, got your email as well. You know we're on for lunch, etc. Oh, and for a quick trip to Southern Season perhaps? And to answer a question you wrote a while back on my blog, it WAS the toy store you worked at. I can't believe it. I hope you get to buy some toys for your little one there soon.
Talk to you soon.
Posted by: chris | Friday, 21 October 2005 at 15:20
Thank you thank you for your comment the other day!! Congrats on the development re: your donor. It is so nice to hear about one of my fellow bloggers making progress. Oh and Rachel Ray is the devil.
Posted by: mm | Saturday, 22 October 2005 at 09:20
Don't know who rachel ray is but I am also addicted to cookbooks. My husband has banned me from any more but there are so many good ones out there, and I actually do use them...
Lovely to hear your excitement about Rent. I also really enjoyed the OBC but will have to wait until the film makes it over here (if it ever does)
Posted by: thalia | Saturday, 22 October 2005 at 11:41
I don't know if it is out there yet but Nigel Slater's new diary/cookbook is to die for. Mmmm.
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Sunday, 23 October 2005 at 06:09