Remember my last ivf cycle? The horrible one with the greedy folks? We'll we'd been getting bills from them. I was expecting a refund (HELLO...We never made it to FREAKIN' TRANSFER but paid for the whole thing) and they were expecting I'd cough up several hundred dollars. Now, in the grand scheme of things that's really not much. But the point is, I felt like the owed me at least some cash back.
So yesterday I was gabbing with my friend on the phone. She's considering doing a cycle with them and I was explaining how I thought that might not be the wisest course. We each had our reasons.
When I got home I opened my mail. There was a HUGE refund from the greedy clinic. Now I've got to eat my words. I think I'll saute them with a little butter and garlic. Everything tastes better that way.
Interestingly enough, the refund was for nearly the same amount as the next thing I'm considering. And it's not donor anything. I know, I know, you just can't keep track. Here I was all set to go on safari and now I'm bandying about wacky ideas.
It's called IVM which stands for in vitro maturation. They're doing it at a super cool clinic in our neighbor to the north. I had a call with them a couple of weeks ago (about this and donor stuff) and the woman I talked to was the nicest person I've ever dealt with at any clinic. She seriously rocked.
Anywho, with ivm you have a baseline ultrasound, a few days later you take a trigger shot, then they retrieve all your immature eggs. No other drugs! While poor responders aren't the best candidates (you lucky pcos gals are optimum, btw) they are seeing some interesting cases where women who don't respond to gonadatropins do better with ivm. Not great but better.
The mister and I always said we'd try 3 ivf cycles. We've only done 2. I'm seriously considering sending my files to the Northerly Clinic and seeing if they'll give it a try. I'll also be pursuing donor stuff at the same time. I figure I can shoot for a November cycle up North and I hear January is a loverly time to go on Safari. I really want to try something with a higher percent chance of working (like donor) but feel like I can do these simultaneously.
So, that's the (potential) new plan.
Wow, ivm sounds fascinating. Am now inspired to go Google for more info. And congrats on your refund...sounds delicious!
Posted by: OvaGirl | Wednesday, 14 September 2005 at 19:40
Would love to hear about this place, if you wouldn't mind sending me a private email. Being a PCOS chic, and having just had the suckiest week ever, could use a bit of good news...and hope.
Posted by: Kate | Thursday, 15 September 2005 at 01:37
Yay, refunds! And IVM sounds like a very interesting options.
Posted by: Karen | Thursday, 15 September 2005 at 06:35
Oooh. Sounds fascinating. By northerly neighbor, do you mean Oregon? Or Canada.
Can you send me links to this? I am in the midst of a serious clinic-switch investigation right now.
Posted by: Susan / holdingpattern | Thursday, 15 September 2005 at 10:50
Sounds like a good plan!
Posted by: Bonnie | Thursday, 15 September 2005 at 14:10
Millie--how exciting! Can't wait to hear how this all develops. Take care!
Posted by: Pam CA | Thursday, 15 September 2005 at 20:15
I've been hearing a lot more about IVM and it sounds interesting. Good luck with your plan Millie.
Posted by: Emily | Friday, 16 September 2005 at 10:12
sounds really interesting...first i'm hearing about it. off to research!
and yay on the refund. nice when something goes right!
Posted by: elana | Friday, 16 September 2005 at 11:01
Millie, who is doing this? And is it part of a research study? Cause I thought maturing immature eggs in the lab was very experimental. Is it cheaper? Aside from not having to take gonadotropins, that is. I'm really really curious about this! Please tell all. I can understand why women with poor quality eggs might fare better with IVF because supposedly the gonadotropins just wreak havoc on those poor eggs. So going "natural" in the lab might really be better for the eggs. Thanks!!!
Posted by: wessel | Friday, 16 September 2005 at 17:36
Millie, who is doing this? And is it part of a research study? Cause I thought maturing immature eggs in the lab was very experimental. Is it cheaper? Aside from not having to take gonadotropins, that is. I'm really really curious about this! Please tell all. I can understand why women with poor quality eggs might fare better with IVM because supposedly the gonadotropins in a regular IVF cycle just wreak havoc on those poor eggs. So going "natural" in the lab might really be better for the eggs. Thanks!!!
Posted by: wessel | Friday, 16 September 2005 at 17:36
Verrrry interesting.
Getting a refund is good too.
Posted by: chris | Saturday, 17 September 2005 at 17:24
Great news on the refund. I was a bit shocked at ours, too. Guess when they feel bad, they feel really bad! Hoping the IVM thing turns out to be a good option - let us know anything you find out.
Posted by: thalia | Sunday, 18 September 2005 at 09:29
I can't keep up with you! :-)
Good luck with this new endeavor.
Posted by: Liana | Sunday, 18 September 2005 at 16:49
Oooh, sounds like a fascinating plan! Please keep us posted on your investigations into this...
Posted by: Anna H. | Wednesday, 21 September 2005 at 16:55