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Wednesday, 14 September 2005


Wow, ivm sounds fascinating. Am now inspired to go Google for more info. And congrats on your refund...sounds delicious!

Would love to hear about this place, if you wouldn't mind sending me a private email. Being a PCOS chic, and having just had the suckiest week ever, could use a bit of good news...and hope.

Yay, refunds! And IVM sounds like a very interesting options.

Oooh. Sounds fascinating. By northerly neighbor, do you mean Oregon? Or Canada.
Can you send me links to this? I am in the midst of a serious clinic-switch investigation right now.

Sounds like a good plan!

Millie--how exciting! Can't wait to hear how this all develops. Take care!

I've been hearing a lot more about IVM and it sounds interesting. Good luck with your plan Millie.

sounds really interesting...first i'm hearing about it. off to research!

and yay on the refund. nice when something goes right!

Millie, who is doing this? And is it part of a research study? Cause I thought maturing immature eggs in the lab was very experimental. Is it cheaper? Aside from not having to take gonadotropins, that is. I'm really really curious about this! Please tell all. I can understand why women with poor quality eggs might fare better with IVF because supposedly the gonadotropins just wreak havoc on those poor eggs. So going "natural" in the lab might really be better for the eggs. Thanks!!!

Millie, who is doing this? And is it part of a research study? Cause I thought maturing immature eggs in the lab was very experimental. Is it cheaper? Aside from not having to take gonadotropins, that is. I'm really really curious about this! Please tell all. I can understand why women with poor quality eggs might fare better with IVM because supposedly the gonadotropins in a regular IVF cycle just wreak havoc on those poor eggs. So going "natural" in the lab might really be better for the eggs. Thanks!!!

Verrrry interesting.

Getting a refund is good too.

Great news on the refund. I was a bit shocked at ours, too. Guess when they feel bad, they feel really bad! Hoping the IVM thing turns out to be a good option - let us know anything you find out.

I can't keep up with you! :-)

Good luck with this new endeavor.

Oooh, sounds like a fascinating plan! Please keep us posted on your investigations into this...


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