Today is my grandmother's birthday. She would have turned 90 today. I've been wanting to write a post about her since I went home for her funeral but decided to do it today on her special day.
We had a special pattern in my family. My mom was born a week before my grandmother turned 25. I was born 8 days before my mom turned 25 and 15 days before my grandmother turned 50. We used to joke about all of us being September babies. (My sister was born in July but named after my grandmother so I hope she didn't feel too left out).
My grandmother was one of the nicest people ever. She never thought an unkind thought about anyone else, much less said anything hurtful. She was truly, genuinely nice and caring. I wish that I took after her more in that regard.
My grandmother was a farmer's wife and all that went with that. My grandfather was a fiesty one. He was stubborn and had quite the mouth on him. My mom and I are both much more like him. My grandmother was always telling us in her quiet yet strong voice that we didn't mean some of the things we said. We did, but she couldn't believe us.
My grandmother wore ked's sneakers and had tiny feet. She dressed like a tomboy during the week but always dressed like a lady for church. She had a collection of hats that would knock your socks off. My sister and I loved to try on her hats. I think we both got a love for hats from her.
My grandmother had the whitest hair you've ever seen. And the bluest eyes. It was a beautiful combination. She turned white-headed at a fairly young age. She never seemed to age to me because her hair was always white and she never got wrinkles on her face. She had beautiful skin to the end.
My grandmother made fresh biscuits every morning. She had a built-in sifter where she stored her flour. Her biscuits were light and delicate. She made brownies but they weren't very good. She did, however, make the best damn pecan pie you ever had. When there was a church dinner you could tell which was her pie because it got devoured while many other pecan pies sat forlornly uneaten.
My grandmother loved flowers. Any kind of flowers. She grew tons in her gardens and always filled her house with them. Her china has little delicate flowers painted on it. She got the pieces as they went on special at the Piggly Wiggly. She gradually built up the whole service, piece by piece, week by week. She was a very patient woman.
My grandmother was very active in her church. She taught Sunday school for many, many years. She taught all the kids in the church her favorite song. I remember her teaching it to my sister and me. I didn't know she'd done that for decades at that time.
My grandmother taught us to shell beans and peas and we spent many afternoons during the summer sitting in rockers on the porch and getting things ready for dinner.
My grandfather's death was quite a blow to my grandmother. She asked my mom to buy her a twin bed because she couldn't bear to be in the big double bed without him.
My grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson's many years ago. She knew what she wanted and how she wanted to manage her disease. She moved into a nursing home when she was still very able. She made a lot of friends there and had quite the social network for her first few years there. She died twelve years to the day of her move-in date. Only her room-mate had been in the nursing home longer. Many other faces had come and gone but while my grandmother didn't have a feisty temper she was much stronger than I ever knew.
I've missed her for a long time. Parkinson's is a very tough disease. I didn't think she recognized me the last time I saw her but she told her favorite nurse the next day that her oldest granddaughter had been to visit. I decided that was a good one to end on. Now I've been able to finally mourn her.
My grandmother also suffered from infertility. My mom was an only child but that was far from what my grandparents wanted. I know she had multiple miscarriages and still births, at least 4 or 5 including twins. I think there was an rh incompatibility and back then, that was a tough one. . Rh incompatibilities weren't even known at the time of her losses. Now a simple shot could prevent that.
I never got to speak to her about my infertility but I know she would understand in a way that no one else in my family does.
Happy Birthday, Grandma. Hope you're having a good one.
What a beautiful post. Happy Birthday to your Grandma.
Posted by: Emily | Tuesday, 27 September 2005 at 22:17
That's a beautiful tribute to your grandmother Millie. She sounds like a lovely person.
Posted by: OvaGirl | Wednesday, 28 September 2005 at 01:48
Millie, that was an amazing post. Its wonderful to have such memories of your Grandmother. She sounds like she was an amazing woman!
Posted by: Sheryl | Wednesday, 28 September 2005 at 05:56
Great post. Now I am sitting over here reminiscing about my own grandma who I lost 4 years ago.
Happy Birthday to your grandma!
Posted by: Bonnie | Wednesday, 28 September 2005 at 13:48
Your Grandmother seemed like a special lady and the post about her was beautiful and touching. It made me think of my own grandma...thank you for sharing.
Posted by: alex | Wednesday, 28 September 2005 at 15:37
I believe the mark of a true cook is how well their biscuits turn out, as they are surprisingly difficult to master. And everyone knows that the best brownies come from a box anyway ;-) Believe me, I'm a dessert snob. And anyone who can make great pies has my respect.
She sounds like a wonderful person.
Take care.
Posted by: chris | Wednesday, 28 September 2005 at 17:49
Bless you heart. I love my grandmas, and when they go, it will be a wound that may never heal. Your granny sounds like she was a wonderful woman. If only grannies could live forever...
Posted by: Kate | Wednesday, 28 September 2005 at 19:40
What a lovely post, Millie, thank you. I miss my grandmother too, even though she never cooked.
Posted by: thalia | Thursday, 29 September 2005 at 15:15
What a beautiful post -- your grandmother sounds wonderful. I'm so sorry she's gone.
Posted by: Anna H. | Thursday, 29 September 2005 at 15:56
Hey Sweets,
so sorry about your grammy. Your message brought me to tears. Hug DH, kiss your pooches. Thinking of you.
Posted by: tee | Saturday, 01 October 2005 at 09:19