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Tuesday, 27 September 2005


What a beautiful post. Happy Birthday to your Grandma.

That's a beautiful tribute to your grandmother Millie. She sounds like a lovely person.

Millie, that was an amazing post. Its wonderful to have such memories of your Grandmother. She sounds like she was an amazing woman!

Great post. Now I am sitting over here reminiscing about my own grandma who I lost 4 years ago.

Happy Birthday to your grandma!

Your Grandmother seemed like a special lady and the post about her was beautiful and touching. It made me think of my own grandma...thank you for sharing.

I believe the mark of a true cook is how well their biscuits turn out, as they are surprisingly difficult to master. And everyone knows that the best brownies come from a box anyway ;-) Believe me, I'm a dessert snob. And anyone who can make great pies has my respect.

She sounds like a wonderful person.

Take care.

Bless you heart. I love my grandmas, and when they go, it will be a wound that may never heal. Your granny sounds like she was a wonderful woman. If only grannies could live forever...

What a lovely post, Millie, thank you. I miss my grandmother too, even though she never cooked.

What a beautiful post -- your grandmother sounds wonderful. I'm so sorry she's gone.


Hey Sweets,
so sorry about your grammy. Your message brought me to tears. Hug DH, kiss your pooches. Thinking of you.


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