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Wednesday, 21 September 2005


I miss her, too. So much.

I would love to participate...


I've been thinking about her non stop since she pulled her site down. I miss her tons and hope she's o.k.

Count me in on the care package deal.

Count me in.

I don't suppose naked pictures of my BIL would help? Nah, didn't think so.

Guess I'll have to post them on the internet.

I miss her too. I would just like her to know that we are all thinking of her.

I have been thinking about her too. I can completely understand not wanting to post when you are going through a rough (rougher than usual) patch, but it would be so nice to know that she is OK.

I really hope she's ok.

I've been worrying about her and think it would be great to let her know that so many people are thiking of her.

I am really hoping that her IUI worked, she is up the duff and made it up with her husband and is now too sheepish to tell us after being so melodramatic!! Good wishes, hon! I know you still check in on peeps to see how they are doing.

As you know, I'd be v keen to participate. Let me know how.

ditto here.

Great idea. Count me in.

Yes me too. Hope she's going well.


Well, I'm back now. Thank you for your warm thoughts.

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