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Monday, 12 September 2005


Happy, happy birthday to you!

I don't know if 40 is the new 20, but it's definitely the new 30.

Isn't the band Cracker? What kind of cake are we having?

Yep. Cracker. Just humming it to myself, as today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me and to you!

Geez, there I was hoping it was altered images - except you know, the different lyrics and everything.

Happy Birthday! (it's also my Mom's bday!)

Happy belated birthday. I only know one Cracker song and it's not that one. I don't know which one it is, but it certainly isn't that one.

Happy, happy birthday Millie! Hope your party is wonderful.

Did you get the kitty? (I have two dogs and a cat and we're remodeling too! Very exciting business!)

Happy Birthday for yesterday, and now I'm bummed because I didn't get to be the one who knew who the band was. Oh well. I cheated, anyway.
Hope you had a good day.

Happy birthday!

Just de lurking to say CRACKER and a very Happy Birthday to you.

well, everyone beat me to the band name, but happy birthday!!

Happy belated birthday, Millie! I am 3 weeks behind you in joining the New 30 club.

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