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Tuesday, 14 June 2005


I love RENT too! I'm looking forward to the movie!

Ugh math, yuck. Numbers, double yuck, but very glad that there exists a wonderful woman aka Millie who defies the sterotypical woman and loves both math and numbers and I hope you enjoy many seasons of love.

This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode I saw last night on TBS where George can't get a showtune out of his head.

At least you weren't singing "Rock Me Amadeus" all day long. That's what I get for telling people I'm the president of the Falco can club.

And Millie? I thought that was your name.

I'm seem to be babbling. Must get some sleep . . .

Take care.

that song gets stuck in my head all the time and i sing it so terribly that my husband asks me to stop. and by ask i mean beg!

i was lucky enough to see most of the original cast...amazing.

I too am looking forward to the movie, I haven't seen the trailer yet, so I'm gonna check it out.

I do love that song, although with IF, thinking about time in seconds is dangerous for me.

i love the movie rent i memorized alll the songs and i cant get enogh of it i wanted 2 c it in play form but they dont give it any more i hope that they can start again any way I LOVE RENT

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