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Sunday, 08 May 2005


Millie, it sounds like you had a really cool day. I am glad you enjoyed it. Stay well!

Wow, what a fun day. Sounds like you had a very nice weekend. :)


I'm so glad you had a great weekend!


I've been out of town and am now catching up on my blogs. So sorry about your scare. I get a mammogram every year, have since I was 35 (with my family history and all). To relieve my anxiety, I go to a lab that reads the films right then and there because they have a radiologist on staff; otherwise I would totally freak out waiting for the results (with my family history you know). Glad that everything is o.k. I have my annual a few days after my 40th, so hopefully no birthday surprises for me. Thinking of you and hoping your cycle goes well.

Hi Millie,

Whew, so happy to hear that the breast scare was just that -- a scare. I had that happen to and did end up with a lump, but when they took it out it was benign. Just a fibroid.

The social outings sound great, especially the get-together with the DE moms and babes. Wish I could have been a fly on the wall; I'd like to know what they've said to their 3-year-old.

Thanks for posting such positive stuff!


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