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Saturday, 21 May 2005


I have to admit that I never thought of freezing the embryos from multiple cycles and, quite frankly, like the idea. I'm hoping with all my heart that it works.

Millie you did it--you made it through that incredible stim cycle. I'm sorry about your lining--but it sounds like the SheRe has a really good plan. Glad to hear the financial costs for the next cycle will be much less. As nice as he parting gifts are...free drugs are way better.

I'll be pulling for that little Sensation!

Now rest.

Congratulations, Millie, for making it through that tough cycle. I hope you get a couple more eggs next time to add to that stash for a FET.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Take it easy!

Millie - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your eggs get responding next time. Congrats on keeping your spirits up through that nightmare cycle. And I want some socks too!

Millie, I think you're getting some very creative solutions at this clinic. I hope you get some good rest now - and all that great swag later.

It sounds like you have a very good plan for the future. I hope this turns out to be The Little Egg That Could. :-)

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