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Monday, 04 April 2005


I'm jealous. I've always wanted to be a pastry chef. But then I realized that I'd much rather be an interior designer with a fabulous kitchen where I could cook -- that would be better. Sadly, I am neither.

Honey the kids will really won't know the difference. And quite frankly, after two weeks without sugar, I'd think that crap in a can is nirvana too. I make that buttercream all the time and it's just heavenly. There are certain cooking techinques that mystify me because they work so beautifully and real buttercream is one of them and emulsion, as in making an oil and vinegar dressing that doesn't separate is another one. I love when it comes together.

I'm with Em: that chocolate frosting in a can sounds delicious right about now! (Em and I were going to do the fat flush together, if I recall, but she's doing it and I'm . . . NOT -- that's because I have no discipline, none.)

I also loved my easy bake oven and hey, you can too bake a cake in there under the lightbulb! The problem is, you have to bake about 10 little cakes to get a satisfying fill, and that takes a while. :-)

Cake? Did someone say cake? I'll be right over.

Glad everything went well.

I had to go and look up the italian buttercream thing because I'd never heard of it before and boy does it sound scary. Is it really good? I imagine it's quite high volume, and sets to give you a crispy/creamy combination is that right?

Anyway glad the kids liked the cakes

Oh, Thalia, Italian buttercream is simply the best. Really, really good. Once you master it, you'll rarely go back. It is silky smooth and easy to work with.

We need to have a virtual teaparty. I'll definitely make the cakes.

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