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Tuesday, 26 April 2005



It's sound like you're off to a great start!

I think ICSI is something they really should get permission on rather than to demand as a requirement, they are, after all, your embryos!

I came over from Liana's blog. That sucks about the ICSI and I would ream the doctor out if I were in your shoes.

Millie, enjoy those needles! I am rooting for you (even if you don't need ICSI!)

Just to let you know that my IVF cycle is on the brink of being cancelled and I cannot update my blog.

Thinking of you Millie. Sounds like you are off to a good start!

Hey Millie! You OK? How are the shots going?

Yeah, I know about that "free ICSI" stuff. I also thought it weird that he only charges if you need it for male factor reasons. He makes it free for older women because then it is being used to compensate for old egg issues. Still, a strange way to approach things, in my opinion.

Good luck with this cycle!

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