After careful consideration with my trusted advisors (my husband, current acupuncturist, you loverly readers, a few trusted friends, the Magic 8 ball and, of course, my old friend Pinot Noir), we're going for the full stim cycle. For those of you familiar with the nomenclature of this partic clinic, we're currently talking about A10EV2.
Tomorrow should be a most auspicious day:I'll start off with a mammogram to rule out the big C as the reason for some recent breast pain I'm experiencing then drive like a bat out of hell carefully and strictly observing the speed limit to my lovely state capitol.
Then, let the chart review/calendar session begin. I had to twist some arms to get in this soon but I'm about to get a visit from the witch and want to be able to start asap. I know, I know, I've been on the bench since October so where's the fire? I'm just ready is all and want to get this started and over with.
I am hoping this cycle works, obviously I'd love to see those two little lines on an hpt. I am, however, doing this with eyes WIDE OPEN. I know this protocol works well with some of us High FSHers and is horrible for others. I know it's going to be huge quanities of drugs and may impact egg quality. It might also allow me to have more than 1 or 2 follies so that could be good. I'm trying to get into a cautiously optimistic frame of mind, but not wildly optimistic. I think I mostly need this to be able to say we've really tried and be able to move on sooner.
To my doughnut eating friend, Crispy Creme: I'm going to talk to them and see if 8 would be ok instead of 10, but otherwise trust they know what they're doing and just go with what they said. I generally believe what you wrote but since I'm choosing this approach I'm aslo going to try my best to just trust them and not second guess too much. Some, yes, but not too much.
Wishing you the best.
Posted by: Emily | Tuesday, 12 April 2005 at 20:07
Best of luck, Millie! Even though the protocol didn't work for me ultimately, I have never regretted that I gave it a try, and as you said, it does seem to work really well for some women. Are you going to LV? NY?
Posted by: wessel | Tuesday, 12 April 2005 at 23:49
Yipee! Full stims ahead! I will be following your journey closely and hopefully will be able to post comments that reflects the support I have for you and make you laugh if/when that's what you need.
I think you're very courageous!
Posted by: InSpring | Thursday, 14 April 2005 at 14:09
Wishing you tons of luck. This is exciting news!
Posted by: chris | Thursday, 14 April 2005 at 17:54
Wishing you all the very best with this cycle! Full stims ahead, indeed.
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Friday, 15 April 2005 at 14:27