I can't believe it's been nearly a week since I went to the new clinic. I wanted to come back and post quickly but obviously that didn't happen.
Last week was filled with doctor's appointments. I had my mammogram last Wednesday and I guess it went as well as it could have. No lumps (very good thing) but no explanation for the pain I've been feeling either. I need to make a followup ultrasound appointment to make sure they didn't miss anything. It seems strange to schedule an ultrasound that doesn't require stirrups.
This was my first mammogram ever. They put little green stickers on my nipples. I didn't notice the tiny metal balls on the stickers until I went to change back into my clothes. It totally convinced me I never want to pierce my nipples. Um, not that I really needed any convincing.
I went straight from the mammogram place to the new clinic. Well, there's about 90 miles between the two so it took me a while. I really like the clinic. There was a big sign on the door "No Children." Ahh, good times.
See, Garden State allows kids in the clinic. Lots of crying babies and wandering toddlers. That didn't sit so well with me. I generally do fine with kids but really feel strongly that they don't belong in REs offices. It's already hard enough, kwim?
The chairs are comfortable and there's a lot of purple in the room! New magazines. Soft lighting. Quiet. Ahhhhh, like a spa almost.
Everyone was so nice. They all came out and introduced themselves to me. They even took my picture. I paid the balance of my cycle with a credit card. I have NEVER charged as much at one time. Ouch!
I meet with the clinic coordinator(ummm, how about CC). Of course there are lots of missing tests. Yes, they require even more testing. Garden State didn't send my full file so I've been trying to get more info for Dr. SheRe.
I heard from my friend who went to this clinic that CC doesn't like to be asked a lot of questions. Man, am I ever in trouble. Dr. SheRE loves questions so I should go to her. CC and I didn't exactly start off on the right foot. It took me a while to get her to understand just how soon AF was expected. It's not rocket science, right? Um, hello I have short luteal phases and was 9 dpo when we met. Frankly, I was just super-relieved not to start my cycle before our meeting. When she FINALLY understood that I was perhaps hours away from a new cycle she gave me some bcp. Yay!!
We also had a minor tiff about having the mister come to the clinic for the calendar session. I thought that's why I was at the clinic that day but turns out it was for a chart review. She expected him to take a half day off work to drive to listen to my calendar and sign some papers. CC was mostly worried about the consent forms. She actually said something like "Well, we really need to know what you want to do with all your leftover embryos. It's a serious decicion."
Once I picked myself up off the floor from laughing so hard I think she finally got it. Just using the plural term for embro is enough to send me into a fit these days but LEFTOVER? Man, that CC is funny.
She told me I could pay to have a notary and have him sign in front of said notary. I said that was a much better choice than wasting a half day driving there to sign the forms. Finally she completely capitulated and said "Why don't we just have him sign the forms on the day of retrieval?" Duh. So that's what we're going to do.
CC tempted me with a beatiful color coded chart. Each drug gets its own color so the chart is a vertible rainbow. I wanted to take it home and frame it or at least gaze longily at its wonder. But that was not to be. I had to wait until AF so I could get 'real dates' in my calendar. Man, that gave me some incentive to get my period.
After I left the clinic I met a friend , Beijos,who lives in Captitol City. I had to break the news to her that the mister and I won't be attending her fab wedding in South America this summer (Rio...follistim...Rio...follistim....y'all know what I picked). It was great hanging out with her and hearing about normal things (weddings and work) for a change. I'll be able to use their place as a base when I have early appointments and it will be nice to spend some time with Beijos and her honey.
Lucky for me, AF came on Saturday. I started bcps Saturday for 8 days only. I'll start Antagon then and we're off to the egg races. I'm still waiting on my beautiful color calendar but I should get that today. I'm seriously a sucker for color-coded anything.
Aaaaaaaaaaand . . . .SHE'S OFF!!
I hope this will be a great cycle for you. Had to chuckle myself at the CC. Leftover embryos--yah, right! I've only ever had 2 1/2 embryos per cycle in my entire life.
Good luck, chickadee!
Posted by: wessel | Wednesday, 20 April 2005 at 08:36
Aaaaaaaaaaand . . . .SHE'S OFF!!
I hope this will be a great cycle for you. Had to chuckle myself at the CC. Leftover embryos--yah, right! I've only ever had 2 1/2 embryos per cycle in my entire life.
Good luck, chickadee!
Posted by: wessel | Wednesday, 20 April 2005 at 08:41
Dreaming in colour right alongside you! I liked that there was a lot of purple and no children at the clinic. Only once have I ever seen a child at my clinic. There isn't a rule so maybe I have just been lucky.
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Wednesday, 20 April 2005 at 13:31