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Tuesday, 19 April 2005


Aaaaaaaaaaand . . . .SHE'S OFF!!

I hope this will be a great cycle for you. Had to chuckle myself at the CC. Leftover embryos--yah, right! I've only ever had 2 1/2 embryos per cycle in my entire life.

Good luck, chickadee!

Aaaaaaaaaaand . . . .SHE'S OFF!!

I hope this will be a great cycle for you. Had to chuckle myself at the CC. Leftover embryos--yah, right! I've only ever had 2 1/2 embryos per cycle in my entire life.

Good luck, chickadee!

Dreaming in colour right alongside you! I liked that there was a lot of purple and no children at the clinic. Only once have I ever seen a child at my clinic. There isn't a rule so maybe I have just been lucky.

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