I thought I'd try a short post for a change. Let's see if this works.
Wow, a day I'm actually feeling pretty good about things. Go figure! It could be the half-way decent sleep I got last night or just the endorphins from my morning workout. Or the huuuuuuge Diet Coke I just drank. Whatever. I'm just going to go with it.
I was looking back over my Fertility Friend charts and think I have a little reason to be slightly hopeful for my next ivf cycle. I guess I wasn't remember things very clearly from last year. I actually had two cycles with multiple follies. One time I even grew 3 nice ones. I must have totally repressed that. Of course, they were on my right=tubeless side so those cycles got canceled. But unlike Dr. Local, Dr. High FSH Jr would be thrilled with that response and since he takes me to retrieval with just one egg...
I've already talked him into letting me start estinyl on CD1 so now if I can get him to bump up the expensive stuff and mix that in earlier we might have more than a 10% chance. I really want to give these April/August cycles the best possible chance. That way I can move on without too many regrets if they don't work.
So, that's me today. Slightly hopeful. Not such a bad place to be.
I'm glad you are feeling hopeful! You're right, it's not such a bad place to be. I hope that April is the month for good things for you.
Posted by: Nina | Thursday, 03 March 2005 at 18:37
I'm glad you're feeling good! I wish you nothing more than to stay in that place forever :) Wishing you the best of luck with your next IVF.
Posted by: Emily | Thursday, 03 March 2005 at 20:40
I've been exercising too, and it really does help with the depression. Still stuffing cookies and chips into mouth, though.
I've been thinkin' . . . 'bout doing one more cycle with my own eggs too. Why? Cause 1) I have no donor anyway and 2) IVF here is free. FREE! Can you believe that? So what do I have to lose, except, well, let's list them out: feel crappy from hormones, gain more weight, experience repeat of sensations such as despair and failure. Well, I've some thinking to do. You see, unlike you, my last FSH was pushing 30.
Anyway, you keep on that health kick before your IVF cycle. I had my best cycle ever after spending a few months beforehand getting myself ready in every possible way. Good luck!
Posted by: wessel | Thursday, 03 March 2005 at 23:36
Hang on to that good feeling! You guys are inspiring me to get my exercise program started. If IVF were free I'd keep doing it too. I really believe there IS one good egg in all of us...but we don't always have the luxury of waiting for it to come out, or continuing to pummel those ovaries until they give it up! Have a good day everyone...
Posted by: Bee | Friday, 04 March 2005 at 10:31