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Wednesday, 11 August 2004


I'm glad you've moved on. I hope you're referring to Dr. Sher. I haven't used him, but he is quite popular with high FSH women. Sounds like you have a plan. Good luck!

I know exactly who you're referring to. I've been recommended by most people to only use high stims, so Mr. Famouse High Stim RE is my choice. I live so far away from him and just can't bring myself to pay $20,000 for a cycle (I need the IVIG too which adds and extra $6,000). His assistant keeps emailing me (just got another last night) even though it's been almost a year since we spoke to see if I will cycle with them and I just can't seem to get there because I just don't know how helpful it will be. I already know I can get pregnant and that's all IVF will do for me. Yet, he keeps insisting that I am not a tough case and that he can help. I think he can help me get pregnant, but in my case, it's the staying pregnant that seems to be the issue. Good luck with what you decide and High Stims RE does seem to deliver the goods and personally, I liked him when I consulted with him. I found him very knowledgeable.

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