So for the last few months I've been thinking about starting a real blog. I've had lots of reasons why it hasn't happened yet. First, I stressed over a user name and then a blog name. There are so many witty women who's blogs I've been reading and I wanted to start off on the right foot.
Then it was just never a good time. See, this will be mostly an infertility blog and that added a whole other dimension. I try to be hopeful (truly I do) so I thought it would be crazy to start this in the two week wait (although that's often when I'm obsessing the most). I mean, what if I start an infertility blog and then quickly get pregnant? I'd have to leave the club I just joined.
At the beginning of a cycle I don't have lots of energy and am often kind of bitter. That didn't seem auspcious either.
So, I decided to just dive into the pool, so to speak. Here goes nothing.
I just got home from my clinic where today was insemination day. That's right! IUI Day turns out to be BD 1 (that's blog day 1).
I'm feeling pretty tired and don't have much to say but just wanted to get that first post out there.
A little bit about me, fertility-speaking: late 30s (soon to be VERY late 30s), diagnosed with high FSH a little over a year ago (and all that goes along with that diagnosis (given the 5% speech and donor eggs speech in first visit to first RE), had an ectopic in January (not a lot of fun and it cost me one tube), took a long time to recover, so this is only my third cycle of trying all year.
There's more to life than fertility (well, only sometimes): I've got a wonderful husband, two great dogs and a pretty good life. I'm currently working part-time and in pastry school.
I've got on online-journal type thing in another place but am trying to be just a bit more private as I start this new blog. I'm also trying typepad because it came highly recommended by a blogger I respect immensely (yes...add me to the long list of getupgrrl fans out there).
More about all that later. Time for a nap now.
when i used to smoke i used to light a cigarette so a bus would come... hopefully this will work for you ... not lighting a cigarette... i mean what you said ;)
good luck d:)
Posted by: oldog | Thursday, 29 July 2004 at 17:44
Please tell me the name of the clinic that specializes in high fsh.I live in London UK and am desperate...!I will travel any where in the world.
Posted by: Liz Tagg | Sunday, 31 October 2004 at 01:50
I just read a great new novel, for women going through fertility treatment.
It is called Tick Tock and is written by a gynecologist, but really gets into the emotions of it. You can check it out at I think you'll love it.
Posted by: sarah | Thursday, 05 January 2006 at 16:03